Sunday, December 2, 2012

March, in like a lion.......still waiting for the out like a lamb part

March was full of fun things.  The biggest chunk of time, BY FAR, was spent on the Cub Scout fundraiser -- Clean Cans for Cub Camp.  We washed 120+ garbage cans in the month of March.  It sounds a lot worse than it was and actually ended up being the best fundraiser we have ever done.  The boys loved using the power washer and being allowed to climb into the large garbage cans.  We earned plenty of money to send all the boys to camp in June.  By the time we were all done, the boys looked like a well-oiled pit crew.  They learned that working hard is a fun thing.  That, itself, was worth all the hours of planning and executing. 
Nicholas started baseball.  His team was the Red Sox and he loved it from day one.  The group of boys was especially fun to be with and the coaching staff had the right balance of fun and serious. 

Nicholas also got his tetanus shot and it really made him sick.  He spiked a fever of 103 degrees, threw up several times and had body aches.  Thank goodness that only lasted a couple of days. 
Naomi started soccer about the same time and this created a fun scheduling challenge.  There were several times I would get Nick to baseball and then take Naomi and friends to soccer and go back to baseball while one of Naomi's friends moms brought them all back.  The smiles on their faces were well worth it though.  They both love playing sports.  Jeremy became the master sports fan all while working on his scout merit badges. 
You can see that we always had something to keep us busy.  We also kept homeschooling as much as we could during this time.  Mainly the lessons were on planning and maintaining a schedule that worked for everyone with an occasional math, science or language arts lesson included.  The kids took their end of year tests at the end of March and did very well.  Jeremy helped me plant the garden and Naomi and Nicholas helped arrange the rocks and create a fun fire pit area. We ended the month with a sleepover where we got to use the firepit to roast hotdogs and marshmallows.  

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