Sunday, December 2, 2012

Bazookas and Baseballs and Trophies, Oh My!

Easter Sunday was a great day.  Nicholas gave a talk in Primary that he had written himself about how Easter is important because Christ died for us and we should always remember that when we make decisions.  Will our decisions make Jesus happy or sad?  We owe it to Him to make choices that will make Him happy.  Naomi wore a dress that she picked out and designed.  She got several comments on her beautiful dress.  One woman came to me laughing and said she had told Naomi that her dress was beautiful. Naomi looked her right in the eyes and said, "Thank you.  The best part about it is I can shoot bazookas out of the sleeves!"  Pretty and functional. 
 Naomi and her posse had a great time hanging out together at the baseball games while their brothers played their games.  Occassionally they would come and cheer, but mostly they just hung out and were goofy!  If you want to know if paying your kids allowance is even worth it anymore, listen to this story.  For the most part it was nice and warm for the games, but we had a cold front move through during one particular game and Naomi took her allowance money and bought her friends hot chocolate so they wouldn't be cold.  Paying allowance had given my kids the opportunity to be generous and make fun choices as to how they will spend their money.  That said, the Mallard Creek Optimists made a bunch of money at their concession stand from the Cannon children spring season. 

Jeremy was the quintessential fan at all the sporting events.  He came prepared and cheered energetically. 

After an especially trying game against the White Sox (which we lost 6-2) Nicholas bought himself a snow cone to make himself feel better.  We got to the car and Nicholas yelped in pain.  He had been chewing on some of the ice and cracked a tooth.  I didn't know that a cracked tooth could bleed so much and freaked out a little bit until I talked to the dentist on call who assured me Nicholas was going to be just fine.  I took him in the following day and discovered that it was a baby tooth that cracked because the adult tooth was growing in underneath it and split it in half.  There were two other teeth that were about to do the same thing and so Nicholas had three teeth pulled that day.  He was not a very happy camper.  Needless to say, he does not purchase snow cones anymore. 

Naomi's soccer season was the best one ever.  It went by so quickly.  She was the team's star goalie.  It frustrated her that all the girls would crowd around the goalie box and make it difficult for her to get the ball out to her team mates so we taught her how to kick the ball.  She got really good at it and it added a whole new layer to the games.  There was more action and it was fun to watch teams we hadn't played before crowd the goal box and then duck when Naomi kicked it over their heads.  During one game she got two assists from the goal box.  Way to go!!!  She was especially proud of her trophy this season.  She felt like she earned it.  She was asked to try out for the pre-challenge team although she is technically too young.  She like the experience, but was secretly pleased when she found out she didn't make it.  We are all ready for a break from this rigorous schedule. 
The teen years (and possibly our family schedule) are proving difficult for Jeremy.  He is restless and doesn't know what he wants to do immediately or in the future.  This has made him rather cranky.  One day, out of desparation, I took him over to Ridge Road Middle School to talk with the registrar about enrolling and classes for the coming school year.  After this meeting he was much calmer and optimistic about the future. 
The next day I turned in the paperwork for Nicholas at Lake Norman Charter School. Steve and I took Nicholas to an open house at the school where he got to meet all the elective teachers and choose his classes.  Nicholas opted not to do band (too crowded and noisy) so he will get to do all the other electives (Spanish, French, Keyboarding, Music, Health, Art, and 2 quarters of Gym).  The excitement is mounting at our house. 
After we all attended the Highland Creek Patriotic Parade put on by the kindergarten crew, we went to the office and signed Naomi up for the coming school year.  I don't know whether to cry out of relief or grief.  I am so excited for them to have the experience of going to school with other kids their ages.  I definitely have a new respect for teachers and what they do.  It is not an easy job to teach children and keep them engaged in the learning process.  I will miss them, but they are ready for this new adventure.  At least I still have the summer with them. 

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