Thursday, February 21, 2013

Nick's Birthday

Nick turned 11 on the 11th of February.  We wanted to celebrate his "golden" birthday in style.  He started off my  handing in his "hookie" pass.  I give the kids one day a year where they can take the day off without being sick or having any other reason except they don't want to go to school that day.  Nick chose his birthday.  Once we got his siblings off to school I took him to the dentist.  I know, not the most fun, but he had been complaining about his teeth hurting and I noticed that one of the teeth had turned pink which was a sure sign that the adult tooth wanted in and the baby tooth was refusing to vacate the spot.  The next available time happened to be on his birthday.  It turned out to be a great thing.   Dr. Neidan took one look and decided to pull the baby tooth.  He grabbed some pliers (or whatever the dentist calls that particular tool) and checked how loose the tooth was.  Nicholas was so worried about possibly having to be numbed that he didn't even notice what the doctor was doing.  Nick yelled "ow ow oW OW OW -- hey, you just pulled the tooth, didn't you?"  Dr. Neidan showed Nick the tooth and Nick smiled and thanked Dr. Neidan repeatedly.  Dr. Neidan laughed and said that he hasn't been thanked so much for pulling a tooth.  He is the best dentist!  Now Nick had a great story to tell his friends in school the next day.

Afterwards I took Nicholas to Cold Stone for some frozen yogurt.  He piled it high and deep with several different kinds of yogurt and toppings.  We also went to the grocery store to get the ingredients to make homemade oreos and to get some Totino's pizza for lunch.

Back at home he chilled and did whatever he wanted while I made the oreos for his class the following day.  He would surface every once in a while for food or drink and then disappear back into his room.  He said it was the best day ever, even though he had to have a tooth pulled.

That night we had Papa John's pizza for dinner with doughnuts for dessert.  After he opened his presents he told us he was tired and went to bed.  He had a wonderful, amazing, fun and exhausting day.

 His favorite gift was his Arrow of Light plaque.  I found a gentleman online who cut the plaque and Steve made the arrow.  
 Nick with his booty. 
His doughnut cake

1 comment:

RIck and Ella-Rene said...

Arrow of light!!! Love that goal setting and accomplishment.

Awesome Nicholas

(Parents that is a cool plaque)