Friday, April 26, 2013

A Job Where You Can Really Grow!

Ever since Jeremy was little he has told us he wanted to work at Christy's Nursery.  When he was ten he asked them when he could come and work there.  They told him he had to be sixteen to work for pay, but he could volunteer when he was fourteen.  The countdown began.  A couple of weeks ago Jeremy had a day off from school and we went over to the nursery to ask about volunteering.  Miss Rachel and Mr. Steve, the owners, are wonderful.  They took him on a tour of the place and asked him several questions about himself and his love of plants.  It was a very informal interview.  When it was over, Jeremy was "hired".  The first Saturday they had him show up at 8:00 a.m. and wanted him to stay until noon.  I wasn't sure how this was going to play out because he strongly dislikes getting out of bed in the morning and getting him to help in the yard is worse than pulling teeth.  I thought for sure he would be late and I would get a call after an hour saying he was bored and wanted to come home.  This was not the case.  He was out of bed and ready to go bright and early.  We got there with plenty of time to spare and he jumped right in helping unload a truck.  I jumped every time the phone rang, but it wasn't him.  At noon, I drove over to get him and he didn't want to leave.  When I got there he was helping a customer load pine straw into the back of her truck.  He was having a great time helping the customers find their plants and then loading them into the cars.  This has been going on for three weeks now and he is still loving it.  In fact, it is the one thing in his week to which he truly looks forward and helps him through the not so great times.    Everyone loves him and Miss Rachel has told him he has a job when he turns sixteen.  I am so grateful to these wonderful people for helping Jeremy realize he is a great kid with a real talent for plants and people.  His confidence in growing and that is a wonderful thing to watch.

Jeremy, in front of his happy place - Christy's Nursery


Mindy said...

oh Sar I love this. What a wonderful experience and opportunity for Jeremy! and what thoughtful parents to help him find it! Everyone needs a "happy place." :-)

RIck and Ella-Rene said...

Jeremy hoorah for you!!! I am so proud of your work ethic that you will volunteer and serve.

Grandpa used to work in a nursery when he was younger, that's exciting to have that in common. I hope you will talk to Grandpa about your nursery adventures. And to have a job when you are 16 that speaks a lot about your good service.