Sunday, March 17, 2013

How to Catch a Leprechaun

In case you didn't catch that or you would like to construct one of your own, here is a step-by-step tutorial of the process.

 Here is Naomi's leprechaun trap.  Create a cylinder using green construction paper with a base so the tricky little guy cannot escape out of the bottom.  

Using a bright piece of construction paper, so as to catch the leprechaun's eye, create a sign inviting the curious fellow to climb your ladder made of paper clips.   

 Suspend a shiny, golden object to one end of a string and hang it about 1/2 to 3/4 of the way down.  When the leprechaun reaches the top of the ladder he will see the shiny, golden object and want it.  He will then jump down to retrieve it.  When he does....
 ...he will pull the lid shut on himself.  As you can see the lid is attached to the other end of the string.  Brilliant!!  You have just caught your first leprechaun.  Now he will have to tell you where his pot of gold is!!
Ta-Da! Happy hunting!!!

1 comment:

RIck and Ella-Rene said...

love the engineer skills...