Tuesday, December 14, 2010

This Blew Me Away

The other day we were working on our Faith In God requirements and I asked the boys to write a letter to someone that they really admire. Jeremy went to his room to complete the assignment, but Nicholas hung around with a frustrated and upset look on his face. I asked him what was wrong and he told me that he didn't know who to write his letter to. We talked about it for a while trying to come up with a person he admired. Then it hit me that quite a few of the people that I really admire are no longer alive. When I shared this thought with Nicholas he brightened up and said that he knew who he admired. He left the room and came back in about twenty minutes with this gem.

Dear Jesus,

I wonder how you made the world in seven days. When I'm up there, I want to be your assistant and help you shape the world and make people better than usual. And one day, I just want to be like you.


1 comment:

Christina said...

What a deep, thoughtful and beautiful sentiment. Good job momma!!! You are raising amazing children.