June 13th a storm blew through Charlotte that had hurricane-force winds and drenching rain. This was not a good scenario for the trees. I watched the storm come in and saw our tree in the front yard getting blown around by the wind. It was touching the ground with each gust which is not good considering it is and twelve-year-old Bradford Pear that is about 25 feet tall. These trees only live about 13 years before they start to break apart and need to be replaced. I thought for sure it was coming down. After the storm I went outside to assess the damage and was relieved that our yard was relatively untouched, but two of our neighbors had trees on their houses. Needless to say, that weekend was a neighborhood clean-up with all the neighbors out and helping. I love our neighborhood!
Jeremy has had an ingrown big toenail since about December that we keep trying to take care of ourselves and sometimes it seemed to be getting better, but then would rage back to life again. I finally dragged him kicking and screaming (literally) to the Urgent Care (since our foot doctor didn't return numerous phone calls!!!!! GRRRR!!!) The doctor there was great and after much anguish on Jeremy's part while getting the numbing injections, the offending nail was removed and Jeremy is a much happier camper.
Jeremy got braces on June 19th. He was one very unhappy boy for about two weeks until he got used to them and the pain started to go away. To illustrate just how upset he was, he wouldn't let me take a picture of his whole face, just his braces. The good part is he is will get them off just before his 16th birthday!
June 20th, I finally mailed the letter I had been working on for weeks to the CMS superintendant. Initially I wasn't going to bother with it at all because I didn't believe it would do any good. That feeling didn't last long before I felt very prompted to get it done, and fast. That very afternoon I got a call from Lake Norman Charter School telling me that they have a spot for Jeremy next year at the high school. I honestly and whole-heartedly believe that this was not a coincidence. The Lord knew I wouldn't mail that letter after Jeremy got in at LNCS and He was just waiting until it was mailed to let me know that Jeremy was in!!! This is so awesome. To make things even better, the 9th grade is going to be part of a pilot program next year where they are integrating technology into the classrooms. He will be loaned an ipad and will use it to enhance his learning experience next year. He is really excited about that. He was also a little worried about not knowing anyone and so I had him look through Nick's yearbook with me at all the kids that were in 8th grade this year. He knew at least ten people. He is feeling much more confident about going to a new school next year.

That night was the Tween Luau. Nicholas was so excited to get to go to a party. I was lucky enough to get to help out. It was tons of fun. The pool closed to the general public at 6:00 and the party began at 7:00. The place was decorated. There was a DJ playing all the hip songs. They had chips, candy and pizza. There was even a cannonball contest. Nick made it to the semi-finals. Everyone had a great time.
June 25th, Jeremy got started on his Eagle project. He will be working with a non-profit organization called Hinds Feet Farm. It is essentially a care facility for those with traumatic brain injuries. Some of the participants live on site and others come just for the day. They have an area where the residents like to go and think, but it is not paved and is hard for those in wheel chairs to access. He is going to put in a path and circular patio area with pavers to make it more accessible for everyone. There will even be a firepit in the middle. I am excited because HE is excited and that is saying a lot! I will post more pictures as the project progresses.
June 26th, we spent most of the morning and early afternoon mowing the grass and getting the trees trimmed. There were several branches that had been damaged in the storm earlier that week that we didn't get to until now since they were not critical. Another factor in why it took so long was we had to wait for a break in all the rain to get it done. I let Jeremy use the chainsaw and he was in heaven. We got all the trees trimmed and the bigger branches but into manageable pieces for the recycling guys. Jeremy didn't complain once and worked for three hours solid helping me out. I just need to make sure that power tools are involved in the tasks I give him!! Later that afternoon, Nick and his friend, Brady, really wanted to go to the pool, but Naomi had some friends over and I couldn't go with them. Jeremy offered to take them since he is now old enough to go without an adult. He thought it was awesome that I let him be in charge. Power tools and going to the pool without Mom all in one day. It was the BEST DAY EVER!!! (according to Jeremy). As much as I complain that they are growing up way too fast, I think it is awesome when they take on bigger responsibilities and gain that confidence.
Sunday, June 30th, after a week of getting ready, the scouts left a week at Camp Grimes. They were all so excited. Naomi and Nicholas were looking forward to some time with just Mom. We all had a great week. While the boys were at camp, Naomi, Nicholas and I played in the pool, saw Despicable Me 2 (AWESOME!!), went on bike rides, relaxed and chilled. Towards the middle of the week we got a rainstorm which put down so much rain in such a short amount of time that several roads were washed out and others flooded. Getting around was tricky for a bit because of all the road closures. The kids loved it though because this particular rain storm did not have the usual thunder and lightening and so they were allowed to stay in the pool and swim during part of the storm. We walked home in the other part of the storm. The kids thought this was great as well.
The 4th of July we went to the Harrisburg parade. The rain stopped just long enough - YEA! Naomi had never been to a parade and Nicholas was too young to remember the last parade to which he went. They had a blast. Every parade entry threw candy and the the floats were fun and the bands were loud and the clowns made us laugh.
A random picture of Naomi before she got her hair cut. I love it!
Waiting for the parade to start
Cotton candy and a parade - two firsts.
It wouldn't be a parade in Charlotte without a race car.
This tractor was powered by the water wheel and steam generated by the contraption on the trailer.
It was cool.
Nick loved these. They are called Spyders and wants one when he grows up.
The Coast Guard knows how to do parades!
That night we went to the fireworks with our friends, the Tufts. We found the perfect spot. There was plenty of space for the kids to run and play before the fireworks started and an unobstructed view of the show once the fireworks started. It wasn't too hard to get out of either. The 4th was perfect!
Haylie, Naomi and Paige
Nick and Callie
Meanwhile, up at scout camp, there had not been more than 24 hours during the whole week where it had not rained. While we were enjoying the fireworks in Harrisburg, Mother Nature was putting on a show up at Camp Grimes. They got 2 inches of rain in about 45 minutes. This in on top of the 5 inches they had already gotten throughout the week. A miniature flash flood had come through their camp and completely soaked everything. Steve called the next morning to tell us they were coming home that night instead of Saturday morning as originally planned. They would finish out the day on Friday and get home about eleven o'clock that night. They looked and smelled like drown swamp rats when they walked in. I sent them off to the shower and then into a dry bed. Although it was wet, they had a great time and the boys earned a record number of merit badges. Way to go!!!
Lining up for grub!
The rainstorm on July 4th
The rungs on this railing are 6 inches apart. That is one big daddy long leg. He is eating a moth. The July 4th rainstorm sent insects scurrying. One of the boys had a wolf spider the size of Steve's hand on his pillow one night just trying to get out of the rain.
Flag ceremony in the rain.
A sunny moment - quick, take a picture!
Troop shot - handsome boys!
Saturday we got the smelly, sweaty, swamp monster reeking laundry done, attended the baptism of a family and a young lady and went to see Despicable Me 2 (again with Steve and Jeremy this time). It was a great day.
Our "pet" bunny. We like him because he eats the weeds and not our vegetable garden - although it is only a matter of time before he finds that too.
All the rain was worth it because of this beautiful rainbow. The funny thing about this picture is that the rain is pouring down over the parkway, which is about 200 yards from our house, but it is only sprinkling in our backyard and it is sunny in the front yard! This weather is completely wacky.
This last week, July 10-13, Jeremy attended Youth Conference. We were a host family and so I had Jeremy and three other boys sleeping at our house. Sam, Kevin and Raphael were great and we had fun doing the nightly devotionals and breakfast in the mornings. The theme was "Stand in Holy Places and Be Not Moved." Every day was filled with fun activities and every night there was a dance. The boys had a great time and were completely exhausted at night. From what they told me, everyone had a great time.
Naomi had her art camp the week of July 8-12 as well. She loved every day and learned several new techniques while using new mediums. She already wants to go back next summer.
Samples of her work: