I know that Thanksgiving was in the last post, but I had to add this picture of how Nicholas set the table because it is so funny. This is how my dad would set the table - with the silverware all over the place. It is genetic!
Tuesday, December 3rd, Steve got a somewhat panicked call from the owner of Hind's Feet Farm, the location of Jeremy's eagle project. The people who were generously lending us the use of their bobcat for a month (two weeks still remaining) needed it back and they were coming in the morning to pick it up. We quickly put together a work crew and met at Hind's Feet Farm after school to spread the gravel. Using the Bobcat to transport the gravel from the pile to the work site saved us hours!! The work crew of over 12 scouts and adults (THANK YOU!!!) also sped up the process. In only two hours we got the first layer of gravel spread over the entire area of both Jeremy's and Ethan's projects. This ward is amazing in that when you send out a cry for help you will get an almost overwhelming response. We couldn't have done it without everyone who showed up.
Of course, as it always is with such a great group of scouts, it wasn't all work. After spreading gravel and clearing leaves off the path for another project, we had time for some silly photos.
I love decorating the house for Christmas. This year we really decked the halls and had a great time doing it. There was Christmas music, the smell of wassail, a cheeseball and crackers (because it just isn't Christmas without a cheeseball and crackers) and family. The kids loved putting the ornaments on the tree and telling stories that went with each ornament. It took a while, but it was fun!
This piece is one of my favorites! It helps my kids link Santa and his love for everyone with Jesus and His love for everyone. Santa would not be the man he is without the pure love of Christ in his heart.
This nativty set is just for the kids. It is down low so they can see it and play with it and... I had it all set up with the animals facing out but Naomi had other ideas. She said that if she were an animal in the stable that night she would be looking at the Baby Jesus so she rearranged the animals accordingly. I like her way a lot better.
Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without this wonderful pin my wonderful sister, Laura, made. It is a replica of one that our Grandma Hansen had. When Grandma passed away my sisters and I each got to pick out a few things of hers so we could always remember her. We did well with sharing and negotiating until it came to this pin. We all wanted it! Laura came to the rescue and made one for each of us.
Our tree with all the ornaments that tell a story.
Jeremy's high school had an ugly sweater day on Friday, December 6th. Steve dug into his old sweater reserve and came up with this one. Jeremy had a great time at school with all the other kids in their sweaters. He almost took home the unofficial "ugliest sweater" title but was bumped out by a kid who had a red, white and blue sweater that played the national anthem.
Saturday, December 7th, Nicholas had his first, official basketball game of the season. He was so excited to finally get to play a game after weeks of practice. He did really well and held the guy he was guarding at a scoreless level. He played the first and third quarters and had a blast. In the fourth quarter, the kid he would have been guarding kept scoring and Nick's team, who had been ahead the whole game, ended up losing by 3 points. It didn't really matter because they had fun just playing.
Nick is #5
Waiting for the rebound. That is his position - right under the basket to pull down the rebounds.
Time out for a little pep talk.
Naomi and Steve were on Grandpa and Grandma watch. Rick and EllaRene were expected at any minute. We had been tracking their progress all the way from Salt Lake to Charlotte. At last check they were in Gastonia which is about an hour south of us.
They made it for the last quarter of the game. Nick was so excited!
Later that day we went down to the church for Naomi's baptism. There were six children being baptized. I was a little worried about how they would get everyone done and maintain the special, individualized feeling for each child. We started in the chapel with a talk on baptism by the Stake Primary President, Fernanda Shamanis, followed by a special musical number by all the primary children in attendance. Brother Rupp, one of the high counselmen, gave a talk on the Holy ghost followed by some fun facts about each of the children being baptized. This is how Naomi answered her questions:
Favorite scripture: this is our family scripture – D&C
64:33 “Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation
of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.”
Favorite Bible story: Daniel in the lion’s den
Favorite primary song: It was a tie between Nephi’s
Courage and Follow the Prophet.
She wants to serve a mission in Egypt! Maybe by then it
will be open
Here is her testimony:
I believe in Heavenly Father and Jesus. This church is the
true church. People have to be baptized by immersion in order to live
with Heavenly Father again. Families can be together forever. I
love hearing President Monson, President Eyring and President Uchtdorf
speak. They tell me what Heavenly Father needs me to hear. I am
grateful for my family and my friends . I am grateful that I chose to be
baptized today. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
After all of this they played a beautiful video about baptism as they released the wards one at a time to the baptismal font. When it was Naomi's turn, everyone from the University City Ward went to the Relief Society Room to witness her baptism. While Naomi changed, our ward was moved to their own room for the confirmation. It was nice and intimate, just the way it should be. Naomi felt very special. If you ask her about being baptized the first thing she will say is, "The water was COLD!!!" Then she will go on and tell you how cool it was.
On our way to the baptismal font.
Grandpa Rick and Grandma EllaRene drove from Utah to be with Naomi on her special day.
One big happy!
This beautiful doll is actually a music box that plays "Amazing Grace". Grandma and Grandpa Weenig sent it to her as a reminder of the covenants she made today. I has a place of honor in her bedroom.
Sunday, December 8th, we celebrated my birthday since the actual day was going to be filled with basketball practice and homework. Steve and the kids fixed a wonderful Chinese dinner complete with spice cake and cream cheese frosting for dessert. Naomi gave a wonderful family home evening lesson on giving gifts to Jesus through being a better person every day. This was what the girls had done for Achievement Days the previous week and Naomi was really excited to share it with the family. I opened presents and then we watched the First Presidency Christmas Devotional. It was a great day.
Monday, December 9th was a great day as well. EllaRene and I went craft shopping in the morning. My best friend, Tabitha (along with her cute daughters), took me to lunch in the afternoon. I am surrounded by wonderful people. That is the best gift anyone can get.
That ought to bring you right up to date with what is going on around here. Talk to you again in a little bit.